So, if you’re wondering how to restore and use Windows Photo Viewer in Windows 10, you can rest easy as we’re here to help. Para comprobarlo, mantn presionada una foto en el Explorador de archivos (o haz clic con el botn derecho en ella) y selecciona Abrir con. It only takes just a handful of steps to bring it back into your stable of go-to apps. El Visualizador de fotos de Windows no es parte de Windows 10, pero si actualizaste desde Windows 7 o Windows 8.1, es posible que an lo tengas instalado. It's as easy as knowing how to play DVDs in Windows 10, and you don't even need to know how to start Windows 10 in Safe Mode. That app is still there, hiding in the shadows of the OS. It should look like this: If you don’t see those files, simply browse to the path above from a Windows 10 PC & copy the folder contents to the same path on your server.

dll files there, that means the files exist but aren’t registered. Luckily, if you’re not happy with the new Microsoft Photos, you don’t have to turn to third-party developers to find an experience similar to the old Photo Viewer. Browse to C:Program Files (x86)Windows Photo Viewer on the server. If you see it there, Windows Photo Viewer is installed and ready for use. Scroll down to see if the program is listed. Select More apps if Windows Photo Viewer is not listed. Not to mention, Photos is not the most reliable of apps, either. Restoring Windows Photo Viewer Right-click on any image on the Windows 10 machine and select Open With > Choose another app. And, yes, Photos’ cross-platform abilities are very forward-looking as well as convenient for anyone also using a Windows tablet, but the app uses up a lot more memory than its predecessor, and in many ways is just not as easy to use as the older app. Though Windows Photo Viewer was the default photo app on Windows 7 and 8, Microsoft replaced it with its Universal Windows Platform app simply called Microsoft Photos.